

My name is Dani. Welcome to my site where I share my journey to have a baby. I hope to shed light on the infertility journey that so many couples are on. If you are struggling to conceive, please know you are not alone and there is hope. Leave a comment or send me an email if you have questions.

Blood Test #2

I went in for my second blood test this morning. The results are in. Drum roll please….my numbers more than doubled. We are now over 1200! That’s still very high. Here’s the chart as a refresher:

Weeks from Last Period Amount of hCG (in mIU/ml or IU/l)
3 weeks 5 to 50
4 weeks 5 to 426
5 weeks 19 to 7,340
6 weeks 1,080 to 56,500

Twins? Early implantation? We won’t know for another two weeks when I have my ultrasound. So far I’m feeling great! I do have a few symptoms, but again, they could be caused from the progesterone injections:

  • Boobs are definitely tender and bigger

  • I’m having vivid dreams.

  • I’m peeing more.

  • I’m short of breath going up the stairs now.

  • A few times I’ve made food and then I couldn’t stomach the taste.

I’ll keep you posted on any changes!


Blood Test Results