As we sit here looking at this precious boy of ours we can't help but smile. He is perfect and beautiful and means the world to us. It melts our hearts to see his face light up with excitement when he sees other kids. He deserves a sibling to play with. His only brother is almost 17 years old, and ready to go off to college soon. Are we crazy for even considering IVF again?
First things first, we did a semen analysis to see where we're at. That didn't go well. Numbers came back as basically zero. ZERO! So we called Dr. Marks to discuss our options with another vasectomy reversal and schedule an appointment right away. Recovery went well and the first post op analysis came back with great numbers. Woohoo!
Next we scheduled IVF #2 with Barbados Fertility Clinic (BFC) and got cracking on all the lab work and tests they needed. We did all of these tests two years ago, but the labs have to be done within a year. Eye roll so hard. Thankfully I have the best primary physician in all the land, and he ordered everything we needed. I really can't thank him enough.
I ran into some trouble getting a saline infusion sonogram (SIS). The only test my primary doctor can't order because it is specific to fertility treatments. I called the doctor who did our IUIs two or three years ago, and he straight up told me no. I won't get off topic here, but I want to say FU to him. He is a doctor at Kaiser, my hospital and my insurance company! After pushing back, he came back with a quote for $2575. Yep, you read that right.
So I found a local IVF clinic who charges $525 for cash patients. How this makes any sense is beyond my expertise. Just know the American health care system is fucked up (sorry, grandma). The SIS comes back normal and we're on our way to the next step. Medication!