

My name is Dani. Welcome to my site where I share my journey to have a baby. I hope to shed light on the infertility journey that so many couples are on. If you are struggling to conceive, please know you are not alone and there is hope. Leave a comment or send me an email if you have questions.

Fertilization Report

Yesterday was egg retrieval and we had 20 eggs. Today they said 13 of those eggs fertilized. Lucky 13! That is amazing! I cried when the nurse told me. We have never had more than 4 eggs fertilize, so this is new territory for us. We won't be updated again until day 5 or day 6, so that's going to be a little suspenseful. That is when the embryos will be frozen, and they do not want to disturb them between now and then. We understand that some of the embryos may not make it to day 5, but the fact that we have 13 right now gives us more hope than ever before. 

Praying we have lots of embryos make it to freeze. Keep praying with us. 

Praying for our embryos

Praying for our embryos



Freeze Report

Egg Retrieval