Freeze report for day 5 and day 6 embryos
It's been 6 days since egg retrieval. Today is the day we find out how many embryos made it to freeze. The suspense is killing me! I know calling the clinic is not going to change anything, but it is so hard to be patient. This may be harder than the 2 week wait, but don't quote me.
At 10 am I called the clinic. They still had no report from the embryologist. Of course this put me into panic mode. It's been 6 days! Does this mean they don't want to tell me? Did none of them make it? Are they just waiting for the doctor to be available to break the news? My mind went into overdrive.
At 3 pm I emailed my nurse coordinator. Still nothing! I'm trying really really really hard to not freak out.
Finally, my phone rings. It's the clinic! (Deep breath!) They received an email from the embryologist, and we had 7 embryos frozen. They are all graded AA or AB. Hallelujah!!! I started crying those happy tears. It may not seem like much to someone who hasn't gone through IVF, but we've never had any make it to freeze. Lucky number 7, guys!! This gives us multiple attempts at achieving another pregnancy. Such a huge weight lifted off my chest.
Now we have to wait for my period (should be within 2 weeks), and then we can start the medication for a frozen embryo transfer. Keep us in your prayers.