My check-up appointment went well. Labs came back great. The lining of the uterus should be 8 mm, and mine is already at 10.5 mm. Since I’m responding so well to the medication, my doctor said the transfer will be in 5 days, instead of 10. How exciting! I have to add another nightly injection now, but I’m a pro at this point.
The question is, how many embryos will we transfer? Doctor recommends 2. We definitely wouldn’t go more than 2, but what if we have twins? Or what if both embryos split and we have quadruplets? EEK! They talked about “selective reduction”, but let’s not go there.
For my age and health, the doctor said we have about a 65% chance of pregnancy with 2 embryos, and a 25% chance of twins. My husband and I will need to decide if we want to transfer 1 or 2 embryos in the next few days, so that they can let the embryologist know how many we need for the day of the procedure. Praying for guidance.