Today I’m still spotting. I visited the clinic to see what’s going on. My first ultrasound was scheduled a few days from now, but they bumped it up to make sure I’m okay. My husband met me there and held my hand the entire time. They drew my blood, took a urine sample, and then had me undress from the waist down. When the doctor came him he moved the screen so it was facing him. Not even two seconds in to the ultrasound, he said, “Congratulations. Here’s your baby.”
I looked at my husband and said, “I see it, babe! Look at our little gummy bear!” We had tears in our eyes. I will never forget that feeling.
The doctor turned the volume up so we could hear the heart beat. The most amazing sound I’ve ever heard. Then the doctor moved around a little more and said, “And here’s baby number two.”
My husband and I looked at each other in shock. We both had huge smiles and wide eyes. The doctor laughed and asked us if we were okay. We said yes, as long as he doesn’t find another one in there, and then we all laughed.
The doctor then said, “We’ll move to the third baby next.”
My husband and I almost fainted. The doctor started laughing and said he was only kidding. We were cracking up from the excitement and the relief and the joy.
We’re having TWINS!!!!! OMG!!!! It hasn’t really hit us yet, but we’re so excited (and a touch nervous).
The doctor told us to monitor the bleeding and go to an emergency room if it gets bad and I’m filling a pad an hour. For now, relax and take it easy. No heavy lifting or straining of any kind.
TWINS! Wow. We transferred 2 embryos with my son, and only had 1 baby. We transferred 2 embryos with our second IVF, and ended up with no babies. This is our third time transferring 2 embryos, and now we’re having 2 babies. Third’s a charm!