Yesterday we had our first ultrasound and found out we’re having twins. What an amazing appointment and feeling!
Last night, I was in the shower and all of sudden I started gushing blood. Worse than a heavy period. I got out of the shower and went to the toilet. I felt blood clots coming out. There was blood everywhere. I told my husband this was it. We’re losing the babies. I put the biggest pad I could find on, and sat down on the bed. A couple minutes later I felt another huge blood clot. This clot was the size of half of my palm. We both thought for sure that was one of the babies. I filled up that pad in less than an hour and had tons of clots coming out, so we went to the emergency room.
I was called back immediately. The doctor was concerned I was hemorrhaging or having an ectopic pregnancy, so he got blood and urine samples, and then pushed around on my abdomen. While we were waiting for the labs, they sent me to get an ultrasound. The technician was so sweet. You know they aren’t supposed to say anything, but she said she was “nerding out” because she never gets to see babies this small. That was her hint to me that I still had two babies in there!
The doctor reviewed the ultrasounds and blood work and said everything looks normal. Next he had me lay on my back with my feet in stirrups. He cleaned all the blood and clots he could see and then sat there watching my cervix. He wanted to see how much blood was pooling up and how fast. He said there was no signs of hemorrhaging, but wanted to consult with the on-call OBGYN.
The OBGYN told him things could go either way right now. Either this is the start of a miscarriage, or I’d go on the have a normal pregnancy and healthy babies. The doctor sent me home and told me to take it easy, and come back if I fill two pads an hour, feel faint, light headed, or pass out. At the top of my after care summary read the words “Threatened miscarriage”.
It was past midnight by the time we got home. When I woke up this morning, I still had bleeding. I’m still wearing a pad today, but I have not had any clots today. Praying that was the end of this episode.
Keep us in your prayers.