

My name is Dani. Welcome to my site where I share my journey to have a baby. I hope to shed light on the infertility journey that so many couples are on. If you are struggling to conceive, please know you are not alone and there is hope. Leave a comment or send me an email if you have questions.

Last Day of Birth Control

Hi there! Thanks for your patience while my body works things out with hormones and what not. I took my last birth control pill and went to the clinic to get a blood test and ultrasound. No cysts and my hormone levels are back to normal. Woohoo! I received my new medicine calendar, and it says the frozen embryo transfer (FET) is in 17 days.

I’ll start taking pills and doing the injections tomorrow. The protocol is not as bad as the IVF protocol, because I don’t have to take medication to stimulate my ovaries to produce more follicles. I’ll be taking estrogen and progesterone to get my body ready for pregnancy.

Next appointment is in 6 days.

Time for another round of medication.

Time for another round of medication.

Do it Yourself

Aunt Flow is in Town