It's been a few months since our failed IVF in Barbados. We needed that time to heal and dust ourselves off. We decided to explorer local IVF clinics again. We love the clinic in Barbados, but it just wasn't the same with a toddler to worry about. Not to mention the added cost of airfare, food, and entertainment. It really defeats the reasons we chose to go to Barbados in the first place (cheaper, relaxing, vacation).
We didn't have a great experience looking at clinics in California when we started our IVF journey, but we've since moved to a different city/county. We've also been through the process a couple of times, so we look at things through a different lens now. We found a clinic we really like, and we're taking the plunge again. The doctor established the practice over 15 years ago, and was really kind the first time I went. The nurses are available to answer questions by phone or email, and they made me feel so comfortable. Sooooo here we go!
Third time's a charm!
If you've been following along, you know my husband had a vasectomy reversal. He has to complete periodic semen analyses to make sure his numbers are still good. The doctor will prescribe different medications if the numbers start heading in a downward trend, but eventually they will stabilize. Any who, the last two tests were great, so we weren't concerned. Things seemed to be going well, until my husband's latest semen analysis came in with a whopping ZERO! WTF?! Is this real life? How did he go from millions to zero?
At this point we're certain it's a fluke. We're praying it's a fluke. It has to be a fluke! Kaiser didn't run the test until almost 3 hours after they got it, so that's a red flag. These tests have to be done immediately. Here we are, ready to roll with IVF #3, and now we’re dealing with this stress. We called around to clinics outside of Kaiser to see if we could get another test done. We couldn’t risk Kaiser making another mistake, so we were willing to pay out of pocket to have it done correctly. The earliest available appointment wasn't for two weeks, but I was supposed to start my IVF cycle in a week. CRAP! If I start my period before we get this test done, I’ll have to wait another month! I called the IVF clinic and told them what was going on, trying not to panic. I should have called them first! They schedule us right away.
Talk about a stressful drive to and from that appointment. Tension was thick, and we were short tempered with each other. I know my husband was upset, and I wanted to make small talk to keep our minds off of it, but he wasn't having it. We're down to the wire here, people! After the appointment we both went back to work. I jumped with every ding of the phone; email, text, or phone call. I got off work at 3:30 and still hadn't heard anything, so I took my son to meet our friends at a local indoor playground. Of course I received the call right after we walked inside. Results are in.....numbers look great! Insert tears of joy. They were even able to freeze four vials in case we ever need them. We are good-to-go! Praise Jesus!
The next morning I started my period. Talk about timing! Let the cycle commence.