

My name is Dani. Welcome to my site where I share my journey to have a baby. I hope to shed light on the infertility journey that so many couples are on. If you are struggling to conceive, please know you are not alone and there is hope. Leave a comment or send me an email if you have questions.

What about international IVF?

After researching IVF (in vitro fertilization), we could not believe how expensive it was in the United States. One day while researching, I came across a blog about IVF in Barbados. Hmm, IVF in paradise? I was intrigued, so I started researching the clinic, Barbados Fertility Clinic (BFC). Everything I came across was positive. Even the people who had failed cycles raved about BFC. That was not something I had come across in my research on IVF clinics in the United States. Quite the opposite actually. I found videos from the staff and doctors at BFC, news clippings, interviews, and articles. They spoke English, and that was important. I found other international clinics, but I would need a translator, and that didn't make me feel comfortable. I wanted to understand the doctor and be able to ask questions directly. 

I gathered all of my findings and discussed it with my husband. To my surprise, he said yes! Why pay $20,000 in the U.S. and deal with the daily stressors of life, when we can go to paradise, have a vacation and pay half the price? It was a no brainer!

Before I reached out to BFC, I asked this question in an online IVF forum:

"Has anyone else considered IVF outside your country? I'm paying 100% out of pocket and found IVF is so much cheaper elsewhere. Barbados, Greece, Mexico, Europe... And you get a vacation on top of it. Thoughts or experiences are appreciated!"

Surprisingly there wasn't much discussion about international IVF up to that point. The question took off. I even made friends with other couples going to Barbados for IVF. Since there wasn't much information on the subject, I journaled my experience to share the challenges and benefits of doing IVF internationally. Everyone will have a unique experience, but knowing the challenges with tests, medications, and procedures, ahead of time, will help you line things up better than going in blind.


Choosing Barbados and ordering medicine

Doctor says we need IVF