

My name is Dani. Welcome to my site where I share my journey to have a baby. I hope to shed light on the infertility journey that so many couples are on. If you are struggling to conceive, please know you are not alone and there is hope. Leave a comment or send me an email if you have questions.

Two Days After Transfer

Feeling happy 2 days after transfer.

Feeling happy 2 days after transfer.

Just wanted to check in to let you know how I’m feeling. They say sometimes a woman just knows she’s pregnant. I have that feeling right now. It’s too early to feel any pregnancy symptoms, but I just have a gut feeling. I had this feeling the first time I was pregnant, and I knew the last IVF didn’t work because I didn’t have this feeling. We’ll know in 7 days!

As I said, it’s too early for actual pregnancy symptoms, plus I’m on loads of estrogen and progesterone. However, for those of you going through this process, I know you want to compare everything you feel to someone else’s journey (especially if they are successful). So whether the following “symptoms” are responses to progesterone or not, here’s what I’m feeling at the moment:

  • A slight heaviness in my lower abdomen.

  • Very light cramping on and off.

  • Tired. I want to take a nap every day.

Not much else to report, besides the giant lumps and bruises I have at the injection sites. I’m so sore from the progesterone injections. It’s uncomfortable to sleep because both sides are tender. Totally worth it of course!

5 Days After Transfer

Embryo Transfer